Thursday, August 4, 2011

Auntie Lou, on the go

Hooray! I finally finished my little painting - the first one I've done in an embarrassing stretch of time. I was really tempted to make this a bit more 3D as I had been working, but the canvas texture was sort of a dominating factor, and I didn't want to put myself off to just plain finishing it. I can't wait to hang it in my daughter's room and move on to my next project. There are so many little 'fun' projects to choose from if you aren't burdened by actual deadlines. Here's what I'm mulling over working on next:
They Draw and Travel
They Draw and Cook
Undercovered Cover Art
Illustration Rally
or maybe just a good ol' Illustration Friday


Morena said...

ah! it's adorable!

Andi Butler said...

Oh Gina, she is adorable!!

a : )

Nina Crittenden said...

So sweet! I have an Auntie Lou, too!

Alicia PadrĂ³n said...

LooOOove it Ggina! :o)

Deb said...

I love it Gina!! I really like the first glance it looked like a needlepoint...Now wouldn't that be cute :D

roz said...

This is so delightful. I love the catch of the day in her tote bag.

Trade Your Talent said...

how adorable!!

Ann Marie DiVecchia said...

Yay, Gina!!! I am so excited to see Auntie Lou finished! Heehee. So funny and cute. Is this gouache on canvas??