Thursday, October 25, 2012

Book Review: Picture My World

Created by Séverine Cordier and Cynthia Lacroix, Picture My World is an unexpected treat of a book. It's smaller size belies the bigness and thoughtfulness inside. It's a bit of an unstructured story of three sibling and the little and big events over a year, and out of order at that. It feels like a window into another family but the every-family. The hair rinsing scene above in the bathtub is exactly how it works with my two children.
I love that some spreads are wordless. Especially the above, since the littlest might not use words, but we can feel those dolls connecting with her and her parent's gentle tugging along.
And there are the three siblings, together, in all stages of swinging. I look forward to both my kids dogearing and loving this book for all it's specialness.