Friday, October 26, 2012

Boo! Candy Barter Sheet is such a Treat for Halloween!

Mua ha ha! I've been getting all spooky-excited for Halloween for a MONTH now, so I've had plenty of time to be Pinterest-crazy and swoon over all the fun craft projects, dog costumes, and wild decor of the season. So of course, I've been thinking back to my own childhood Halloweens. It was so exciting  for my sisters and I to to get home from Trick-or-Treating with all of our candy, sit on the floor with a  chair positioned in front of us much like a betting window, and play "candy shop" (or perhaps it was more like "candy poker"?) and barter candy with one another. It was fun, exciting, often adrenaline-rushing, and sometimes even a tiny bit heated. Perhaps an, ahem, uneven trade was made in haste (or under duress?)...

Enter the Candy Barter sheet! Not only is it entertaining to look at, but it will be fun to use and it encourages fair trade (hey, it's in writing) and fairness in general. Bonus: it makes a nice souvenir of the evening when all is said and done. The kids can look back on their trades and see how they did and where they can improve next year. Yes that's right, I'm busy grooming the next generation of poker champions here. Get your free printable Candy Barter PDF here... and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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