Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Press Here

I came across the most delightful book the other day. "Press Here" by Herve Tullet.
I thought, An interactive book with dots? Will this really keep a childs attention?
Well, I can't speak for the kiddo's but it certainly captured mine. Herve uses simple painted dots on a page and gives the reader directions to follow with the result on the following page.
"Press here and turn the page," "Great! Now press the yellow dot again." A third yellow dot appears beside the first two. "Perfect," the narrator continues. "Rub the dot on the left... gently." And so it goes.
I felt a bit silly in the kids section shaking a book with adults around me, but it was fun and I couldn't help myself.

I would have bought this for my children in a heart beat when they were small. I can just picture a child reading/playing this again and again. IMHO, it's a perfect read aloud with a group of kids (kids will be fighting for a turn to participate) or a one on one experience with your child in your lap.

Love it!


Phyllis Harris said...

Wow! This is just brilliant!!! Love it and sure wish I had thought of it. ;)

Marián Lario said...

Yes!! Love this original idea!!!

Laura said...

A brilliant "wish I thought of that" book!