Friday, May 20, 2011

Welcome Babies!

©2011 Deborah Melmon

Surtex was held in New York City this week, which is the big show for artists who want to license their artwork. Buyers come from all over the world to view the latest trends. It also coincides with the National Stationery Show. Our own Kathy Weller displayed her art at Surtex this year! It was an awesome booth and I'm sure she will be posting pictures of her experience soon!

It made me feel kind of nostalgic, as I have also shown my work at Surtex. So I took a stroll down memory lane and I came across a baby collection that I put together. And since I suddenly have several baby girls that have popped into my world or are about ready too, I thought I'd post this baby card.

Welcome to the world babies!!


  1. What a lovely image, Deb. So sweet.
    And yes, congrats to our Kathy for her first Surtex. Awesome stuff!!

  2. This is so adorable MacDeb!!! Love it!!

    And huge congrats to our Kathy!!

  3. Adorable. I know one very happy new baby with her pink elephant lovey! :)
