Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer break and book expo!

Today officially starts off our summer vacation here in Illinois. This is an unusually long break due to a new school being built so we have a few trips planned to fill the time. However, illustration work is coming in so I imagine quite a bit of time will still be spent playing at my desk.

Above is a tiny snippet of a sample page for a potential activity book I may be writing/illustrating this summer.  Should hopefully know officially this week. =o)

This week is Book Expo America in NYC. If you want to follow some of the highlights,
you can find them on Facebook  or Twitter !


  1. Love the drawing Roz! Reminds me that MacDaddy and I need to practice our downward facing dog :)

  2. Cute girl!! :o)

    Thanks for the links on BEA. Would be great to attend one of those shows. I hear its sort of like The Frankfurt Book Fair.

  3. Oops, meant London Book Fair not Frankfurt. I'm ready for bed... LOL
