Thursday, March 17, 2011

"What I'm Working On" Week

Thanks to some heavy lifting help from my husband, I've made good progress on moving my studio into our back family room. The drafting table actually feels very cheery and bright next to a big window. Our son is old enough to (mostly) behave back here so I've even been able to sit there without much interference. One of my tasks has been to plow through a few years of Martha Stewart (and a few other) magazines. It's been awhile, but I go through them and cut out inspiration pictures, 'good things', crafts, recipes, and other fun articles. I file them in big binders to flip through later on. I've been a loyal subscriber for at least 9 years and those magazines can pile up FAST!

The computer area still needs peripherals set-up, but it functions and it's nice to type loudly at nap-time again!

Other than that, I've been hindered by a giant belly and not a lot of creative motivation. The biggest creative endeavor I've taken on is this crocheted blanket for baby girl. I hope I can finish it (and the nursery which is still half-a-studio) before she arrives. The best news is that I actually feel at peace with not getting any illustration work done. I know it'll be there for me when I'm ready. And in the meantime I'm still reading and loving picture books on a daily basis!


  1. AWE! I love your new space, Gina. I think you will enjoy being there. I have my table set up in a corner of the living area too and I have grown very fond of the location.

  2. What a great space to work! I am also completely impressed with that blanket! Way to go, Gina! :)

  3. It looks beautiful GGina! It gets a lot of light from that lovely window and the blanket is so sweet.. How exciting, can't wait for little Ggina to come! :o)

  4. It looks great Gina! And I can see your creative juices are still flowing with the beautiful blanket you are making. My painting table is smack dab in the middle of my kitchen....I kinda like it there too. don't you just love those ikea flat files? :)

  5. Belle atmosphère pour créer... j'adore votre petit âne avec le papillon.
    Gros bisous.

  6. Thanks so much everyone! I feel a great relief at getting the office dismantled to make room for baby, so actually liking the new space is just a bonus.
