Friday, March 18, 2011

What I'm Working on This Week

Whooo boy, it's been a wild week. I've been on a wonderful two-week vacation in Hawaii and just got back late Wednesday night. So if I'm honest, what I'm working on right now is jet lag, getting my taxes ready for my accountant, and picking up my dog from Gilroy where he has been boarded for the last two weeks. I'm not complaining. It was a wonderful trip and since I will be working pretty much straight through the summer, I could justify being away to gear up for a pretty busy year coming up.
© Deborah Melmon 2011

Right before I left on my trip, my sister, Patti, helped me put together my latest promotional postcard which will be going out it a couple of weeks. Thought you'd like to see a preview as the other jobs I'm working on I can't really talk about just yet. She did a great job and I can't thank her enough for taking this off my plate!

© Deborah Melmon 2011

Tomorrow is my birthday, yay! And next week on PBJunkies we are having a "Picnic at Camp Shalom" celebration for my new picture book that just came out. So be sure to visit as there will be a giveaway!!


  1. Oh I love the postcard!!! It looks great! I've always loved that elephant.. and I really like that you have one of the girls from Camp Shalom there. That is my favorite expression from the whole book. It's precious!

    And it's your birthday tomorrow???!!!! How did I not know this with anticipation huh? Now my gift will arrive late. ;o)


  2. The postcard is FAB! Just adorable. Well done, Patti! You make her job easier with such great artwork. ;o)

  3. Whoo Hoo! Happy Birthday Debbie! I'm so proud of you. Thanks for the kudos, but I didn't do anything. I'm just the cheerleader!
    (But hey, I'm adding Marketing Director to my resume.)

  4. Thank you're funny! Yes, that elephant is going places! :)

    Thank you Fatima!!

    Thanks Roz! glad you like the postcard. Always hard to
    fit in a little bit of everything to cover the bases, ya know? Patti is the best!

    Thanks again sis. Yes that resume is getting fatter and fatter. Don't forget your title from Goat Cheese Productions :D Gonna start calling you "Jack".

  5. Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day! :)

  6. The postcard looks great! Happy Birthday.

  7. Thank you Silvia and Jennifer! It was a great day.

  8. Happy Belated Birthday Deb!!!! I hope it was a fun day! The postcard looks fantastic - it's sure to get you new work to keep you busy through next summer too!!!
