Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Work

This past week, I have been working on adding some new color pieces to my portfolio. I'm using the same approach I used for the Dover science book and I'm having a blast. Here are a couple of images I finished over the weekend. I took the rejects from the Faber-Castell project and "repurposed" them.


  1. Oh, Roz! These are really cute! I like this style...and if you're having fun with it you're on the right track!
    I love the limited pallete of the girl in the jungle.

  2. I've told you before but I ill say it again, I love your digital felt and this style works so well too! Look at that monkey, so cute!! :o)

  3. Awe, thanks you guys. I appreciate it. =o)

  4. Totally great!! So fun to see new Rozzie work!! Go Roz Go!!

  5. These are great. I love the cute spotted dog pirate. The snake is perfect. Great pieces!
