Lynne Chapman on How to Illustrate a Book

One of my favorite illustrators from the UK is Lynne Chapman. I love her blog so much because she shares so much of her process with her readers. She works in pastels which is a fragile medium. Here is a photo of her art table as she was finishing up her book. She sends the finished artwork to the publisher, who scans the work and sends back the digital art to her on a disk. She can then go in and alter the artwork in Photoshop to her liking.

Her latest book Bears on the Stairs is the focus piece of a series of videos she has done on how she works as an illustrator. Here is the first installment. She will be posting more in the weeks to come on her fabulous blog. Enjoy!
How to illustrate a book - Part 1 from Open College of the Arts on Vimeo.
I love Lynne and her work. This video is great. I love that I can hear her speak now with her lovely accent :o)
Thanks for posting this Deb!
I agree Ali....great to hear her real voice rather than an imagined blogging voice :)
Oh what a pleasure that was to watch. Thanks for sharing!
Very very good videeo, really informative.
Thanks for posting :)
Oooooo I love these animals so funny:)
Children illustration step by step
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