Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Back to the Drawing Board!

"Back to the Drawing Board", immediately made me think of my egg timer collection.

I used to use these as a fun way of giving myself 15 minutes of time working towards my goal of becoming a children's book illustrator.

Now that the kids are older, having 15 minutes of spare time isn't as big a problem as it was a few years back when I initially wrote this article. However, I find the 15 minute rule still comes in handy in relation to getting myself, "back to the drawing board".

"Go on, Roz, it will only take you 15 minutes."

I don't know why this mental game with myself works so well but it does. Especially when I'm intimidated by a project or at a phase of the process that I don't enjoy.
e.g. picking the felt and fabrics for a project drives me crackers!

Give it a try, it may be just the thing you need to get yourself, "back to the drawing board" too.


1 comment:

tlchang said...

I think this is a very good idea and can really help when stuck or overwhelmed (enjoyed your article over on your blog as well).

I just saw this analogy on another blog however - which still happens to me even with the '15 minute rule': "Some days I feel like a box of super balls dropped off a building in a David Letterman segment, going every which way. By the time I stop bouncing, it's time for bed. I've touched 101 things and completed very little."

I guess you still do get things done, but it sure seems to take a long time to complete any of them! (Yes! I am feeling a bit lacking in my ability to focus-til-completion right now!)