Call Me Crazy
Is it smart to decide to repaint, reorganize and redecorate your studio in the middle of a deadline?
Am I happy I did?
Hee hee.. those are the things us artists deal with from time to time I guess. The sudden urge, the itch, the muse or whatever name you'd like to call it. You know.. that little voice inside your head that doesn't shut up until you finally do something about it.
My studio is very tiny (emphasize on the tiny. I've seen walking closets way bigger) and sadly very dark. It only has one little window that doesn't really face the outside but more like the back terrace of the house. There is nothing I would love more than a studio with tons of windows and french doors to let the beautiful warm daylight in but I have to work with what I have.
Here is a little peek at some corners:

My daughter and I painted the studio over the weekend using a whiter shade. I used a satin paint which reflects the light beautifully. I have 3 table lamps plus the ceiling fan has a light too and I'm thinking of getting another floor lamp. LOL

Those glasses holding the watercolor pencils are Nutella jars. So now you know, Nutella is not only delicious and nutritious... but very handy for your studio too. So go buy some right now, I give you permission ;o)

I managed to take a pic of my office assistant, did you see her at the top? She sleeps by my feet under my studio table, other times on my lap which is very tricky when painting.
Ok, that's it. This is a flash post because I have to go work again. Wish I could share a pic of my studio table right now but you know how it is, the good old artist's-sworn-to-secrecy-blood-pact with the publisher. Darn. ;o)
I love seeing these kinds of posts... I am always curious to see other people's studio spaces. I think it looks lovely.
I hear you on the lack of light too... ;p
My studio assistants are two pugs... you little helper is adorable!!!
Looks wonderful, Ali! Isn't it amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do? :)
I love your studio! It looks so cozy and creative. But I think your assistant should stop sleeping on the job! :)
Un toutou qui me semble heureux de vivre... Je crois qu'ici chez moi il aurait une copine avec ma dalmatienne Olwen qui adore aussi les coussins de sa corbeille.
Gros bisous à vous et une caresse particulière à votre ami à quatre pattes.
I love seing artists' studios too Mai. I think we all love our studios and it's just entertaining to see other's as well. It's like we "get it", he he. Aww two pug assistants, how adorable! I love the funny sounds they make. Our Kathy here has a pug too. :o)
Hey Nina! Yes, paint is magical and awesomely inexpensive too! :o)
HAHA... John! I think you are right... hmmm I don't think this arrangement is working. Now that I come to think of it, I have to do most of the work around here. She brings me this toy all the time and I have to pick it up and throw it. She pays in kisses though, so that's good. ;o)
Thanks Martine, your dalmatian sounds adorable! Nothing like a sleeping dog by one's side. It's so calming.. I love that feeling. :o)
I love that your books are displayed. YAY!!!!
Hehe thanks Jannie! They are displayed mostly for me I guess. Almost no one goes in there besides the kids, and the dogs, oh and hubby. Lol
beautiful! nice job!!
Yay for fresh coats of paint! My old office was white which I really loved (not plain at all, a soothing and cheery backdrop!). I think that top shelf is the best though - and it's getting crowded with all the amazing Alicia books. I only lament that our nutella jars are not nearly as exciting in the states. ;)
Your studio is an OASIS!!!! I feel soothed just by looking at it!! :D I'll bet it helped. You inspire me— I need to do that too!
Thank you Alicia! :o)
You know GGina, I am surprised with the white. I always paint the walls a color, even a soft color but usually never leave them white. But this time I think it works wonderfully and you are right it is soothing and cheering too because it makes everything around it pop. Thanks for your sweet words on my top shelf ;o) Oh you can't get that presentation over there? I think I've seen in the markets the big jars, you are right. Here they sell the big ones, the little ones (those are the ones I used for the studio) and then they have the mamma of all of them a humongous one. LOL
Oh Kath..hee hee.. thank you!! It did help a lot I have to say! Not only I want to spend more time in there but my daughter now wants a table of her own in there with me he, he. She's so sweet. I love to have her but it's going to be a challenge to add another working space into that walking closet of a studio but I'll think of something. :o)
Redecorating one's studio while working on a deadline sounds like something I'd do. But if repainting it gives you a creative nudge then I think it's a necessity. I, too, yearn for lots of windows and french doors. Light, give me LIGHT! You can't have too much light, can you?
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Exactly Cindy! Couldn't agree more :o)
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