Following Through... on Business Housekeeping
A recurring theme this year for me has been 'following through' on keeping myself up-to-date in all aspects of the business. It is always important to reassess regularly, this but this year has been very concentrated for me in the "upgrade, upkeep and streamline" department!
Accounting... I finally found a CPA who can provide all of the services that i need, after much hemming and hawing. Finding a CPA is a lot like finding a new dentist. I now have help with navigating through the (new to me) quarterly income tax filings. I also upgraded my QuickBooks software.
Studio... A HUGE boost for me was upgrading my studio with many long-awaited, some much-needed (and one downright indulgent!!) tools to help me better serve every aspect of my work! Having the tools I need right there when I need them is key to maximizing my productivity and workflow, and by association, customer service. You can do more for your clients at a moments notice, and with a smile on your face, with the right tools at your disposal. Now, I am fully prepared for everything and anything that comes my way! All I have not been able to stock up on is hours in the day...but I usually cross that bridge when I get to it! :)
Software...I finally upgraded all of my creative software!! I also took the plunge on Painter X. I decided to begin developing a digital style for several reasons. For one thing, versatility - - there are so many tools immediately at your disposal. Ease of delivery is another: native digital files takes away the scanner 'middleman', and, knowing how uneven scanning results can be with traditional watercolor media, this was a boon to me.
Regarding the ongoing 'controversy' re: traditional vs. digital media, my opinion is simple: tools are tools, no matter how you slice it. There is no 'filter' for creativity! The creative process is the same, and tools are tools. Digital art takes just as long to create, and in my opinion it's just as 'manual' a process, when it comes to mark-making. The beauty of it is the fact that you have all of the aformentioned tools at your disposal, you can save several versions or a single work, and you can work with as many layers as you want. So, much easier to edit. Yipee for technology!!
Here, here, on your comments per digital art! Well put, too.
Btw...How was your experience workign with Lobster Press?
As an owner of a cleaning business, it brings me no greater satisfaction than the look of pure relief on the faces of our customers. Hiring a professional cleaning company, even once a month, is like having a massage – you can just feel the stress melt away! House Cleaning Flemington, NJ
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