Thursday, June 28, 2007

Whistle While You Work

I thoroughly enjoy listening to audio books while I work. It's like doing two of my favorite things at the same time, drawing and reading! I agree with Laura, listening really does keep you engaged. And, a little added bonus, it cuts way back on the number of trips I make to my refrigerator hunting for a little something something to eat. :)

Lately I've been finding lots of fun podcasts to listen to also. Here's a few sites I enjoy:

Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood interviews creative folks - delightful!

Just One More Book
Great interviews with children's book authors. It's always a treat to hear their creative journeys.

Aaaaand If I find myself working on Saturday night...well, actually, no matter what I'm doing on Saturday night... I'll definitely be listening to Twine Time on KUT Austin radio. Four hours of beautiful, raw R&B music hosted by Paul Ray.


Anonymous said...

It's great you can do that! I can only listen to 'talk' media if I'm painting/finishing the finals for a piece. If I'm concepting or working out a rough, nope. Too distracting. And any music must be soft and in the background, too (at that point).

patrice barton said...

Hi Paula,
Yep, sometimes a little peace and quiet is nice too! :)