Tuesday, November 19, 2013


November is a big month for different writing and illustrating cyber challenges and I so wanted to participate this year. Life has been hectic on this end with a move to a new state...first in a rental and most recently into our own home. That with steady illustration work, there isn't much time to play. I got into it a week late but decided to participate in "SkADaMo", created by the very talented Linda Silvestri.

It means sketch a day month and that is it...pure and simple. Try to create a sketch a day and post it. :)  No pressure whatsoever and that is what I love about it. I don't ever draw for myself anymore and this is allowing me to do so without the anxiety of if it will seek the approval of a teacher, editor, art director etc.
It's the middle of November but you can always jump in too...no rules, remember?  :)
Go Here to read more about it and see a list of participants.

Happy Fall everyone!

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