Monday, July 8, 2013

Back to School with Lilla Rogers

Well, we've wrapped up the first session of Lilla Rogers' e-course, Making Art That Sells. Five weeks went by so fast! We have a couple of months off, and then Part B starts up in the Fall. Can't wait!

The assignment for this final week was to create a Hyper Lush zipper bag. Basically you throw in tons and tons of imagery. Busy is good. I fight with this concept all the time in my picture book work as I can get very busy and have to edit, edit, edit. But with this assignment it was all ok. Open the flood gates!

I added patterns, textures and icons from previous projects with this class, and also from some of my past picture books. There is a flower pattern from "Picnic at Camp Shalom," and photos of flowers from my garden. This project is great for mixing photography and painted art.

The work that has come out of this class is outstanding. I've learned so much, not only from a licensing point of view, but also techniques that I can carry over into my picture book work.

Lilla's class starts again in the Fall. If you have the time, I highly recommend it. You can find all the information on her website here. 


  1. Awesome work, Deb! It's so fun to see something that is SO different from your usual, but still very much your style/look. I love that you broke the larger design down into two little notepads too! I can't wait to see what loveliness you make in part B.

  2. Thank you gina! I never would have considered working this way without this assignment. Very fun.

  3. WOW, that is so fricken adorable! I would so buy that!

  4. I LOVE what you're doing in this class! So amazing!

  5. Thanks Laura and Roz...! I recommend the for every style.

  6. Oh.... I LOVE that bunny!! He is so adorable.. haha.. really unique looking MacDeb! He would be an amazing character for a book series!! Awesome job sweetie. :o)
