Wednesday, June 5, 2013

PW- BEA 2013: Booksellers Tour Artists' Studios: A Photo Essay

I came across this great post on PW and thought I would share it with you today. I love peeking into other artists' studios, don't you? :o)

These are a few pics of mine. It's tiny and dark. Has a small rectangular window that doesn't face the outdoors, only the terrace, so almost no natural light comes in. But we have to work with what we have right?

I painted the studio white with a satin paint so the light from my 6 lamps, LOL, would reflect and it does the trick I have to say. I also have a little lamp that simulates day light, I always work with that lamp very close to my watercolors and paper.

This is Lucy, my shadow. She is usually on her bed, sleeping under my desk, like on this pic or sleeping on my lap while I work. Sometimes she likes to sit on my lap and watch closely how I paint, sneaks a kiss here and there.

Someday I hope to have a big, open and airy studio that faces the garden and that is filled with natural light... but this one will do for now. Despite how small it is and how dark it is, I still love it because its mine. :o)


  1. Your space is so darling, Alicia but I have to say, Lucy steals the show. :D

  2. Haha I know Rozzita.. I know.. She is a looker! Hehe xo
