Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hopscotch Sample

I have enjoyed doing a few books for Dover Publishing. I once proposed an activity book teaching outdoor kid's games like hopscotch, leap frog, kick the can. Ultimately, they asked me to do a yoga book instead. Here is one of the samples I created and now colored to add to my portfolio...


  1. Amazing how one idea can lead to a series of books for you! Such an interesting process.
    Love the doggie!

  2. I hope Dover picks this up someday, or another publisher. I've loved using your science book and I know this would have been great for us too. This is a great example of fitting the illustration nicely with so much instruction - bravo, Roz!

  3. Oh thanks so much you guys. I really love working on things like this. :)

  4. I agree with Ggina and Macdeb! In this house we all love Rozzita's science book as well! :o)
