Wednesday, April 10, 2013

From the sketchbook

© copyright Alicia Padrón 2013

Here is a little sketch I drew this morning. It's my warm up exercise for the day and my #Twoodle for this week using the words Ballet and Turtle, suggested by @soelver and @JerseyGirlDraws.

If you want to learn about Twoodle and how you can participate too, click here. :o)


  1. She's precious, Ali. I love your Twoodle project. Can't wait to give it a try myself!

  2. Oh that is adorable and that sounds like a fun project. So you have to be with twitter to do it?

  3. Thank you girls! :o)

    Well you have to pop in from time to time to suggest words using the hash-tag #Twoodle and to pick 2 words to illustrate and tweet about on wednesdays, also using the hash-tag. So it doens't really mean you have to be on twitter all the time, only when you feel like participating. :o)
