Thursday, January 3, 2013

Book Review: A Pirate's Twelve Days of Christmas

A Pirate's Twelve Days of Christmas is a boatload of fun for any pint-sized buccaneer. My son received this book for Christmas, and I squealed a bit in excitement myself. I had already drooled over the artwork by Sebastia Serra in the bookstore a few weeks earlier. It's fun and well written (by Philip Yates) but definitely a long, repetitive read. Anything involving a take on the Twelve Days is going to be, right? Good thing the action-packed illustrations and surprise twist make it all worthwhile for the parent reading this picture book. It is actually a follow-up to A Pirate's Night Before Christmas which I'll need to check out soon.
I'm going to continue geeking out over Sebastia Serra's illustrations. Check out his blog for more examples. The simplicity of form, vibrant yet sophisticated color palettes and stylized characters place him firmly on that list of 'artists I am influenced by' that we all like to keep close to heart.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love pirate books. Pirate PBs are even better. Will check it out!
