Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kick it off right: PiBoIdMo

Today marks the start of Picture Book Idea Month, or as it's more widely referred to: PiBoIdMo.
Tara Lazar created this event, publicly, in 2009. Each November, she puts together an amazing line up of guest bloggers, asking all participants to come up with at least one picture book idea a day for the month. There are prizes. There are inspirational posts. There is a supportive and fun community. But at the heart, it's a way for all of us to get the ideas out of our noggins and onto paper. To dig deep and come up with the start of something special.
It might seem intimidating - I'm a little jittery, and it's my second time around! - but I encourage you all to dive in head first.
Visit Tara's blog for the details, and read the first official post by Amy Dixon.
And with that, I'm off to find an idea or two!

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