Wednesday, November 21, 2012

from the sketchbook..

© copyright Alicia Padrón

Hi there, just a quick post for today. I'm busy working on several deadlines while battling the flu... hehe.. not ideal but what can you do, huh? Deadlines are deadlines.

Here is a pic of a page of one of my sketchbooks. It's filled with little characters that appear out of nowhere for no particular reason. Most of my skecthes are like that. :o)

How about you, how is your sketchbook?


  1. Hope you're feeling much better soon, but I can't think of a nicer place to be than drawing in the sketchbook. Your doodles look lovely. I have little characters that appear like that too! My first book is out, if you get chance to visit? But good luck with the deadlines if not,:)

  2. That is fantastic Julie! Will go visit to take a peek. :o)
