Wednesday, November 28, 2012

An inspiring talk from an inspiring man

Of all the TED talks I've seen this is definitely one of my favorites.

Maybe is because I feel like I know Jarret thanks to Twitter and the blog world. He is really a wonderful and super nice guy, and so very talented. Or maybe is because in this talk he truly puts his heart out there in front of a room full of people and out for the world to hear. Could be because everything he says will stay with you for a long time or maybe is because of all those reasons put together.

If you haven't seen the video by now, I recommend you do. It's a beautiful talk and makes me so incredibly happy to know "you ARE successful in your work" Jarret. I can't think of anyone else who deserves it more... :o)


  1. I've watched this already - but it'll be one to re-watch often. It's so honest, and inspiring. I've thought of it several times over the past week. Amazing.

  2. I know what you mean Ggina... I agree :o)

  3. This is so great! Thanks so much for sharing!!!!
