Monday, October 22, 2012

Ready or Not!

I worked on a book last January for Viking that was written by Jill Abramson and Jane O'Connor. Jill is the Executive Editor of the New York Times and her sister is the author of many children's books, including the Fancy Nancy Books. Ready or Not, Here Comes Scout! is about Jill's puppy, a goofy and over-eager, cream-colored Golden Retriever and her adventures at the dog park.
I go to the dog park every day. I have my own goofy, over-eager Airedale Terrier named Mack, who demands time with his dog buddies, so the book seemed like a perfect fit for me. The hard part was that it was on a fast track to get published and ride the coat-tails of Jill's adult book called Puppy Diaries, that had just been released. 
Now that the book is out and on the book shelves, I have forgotten all the late nights and panic to make the publisher's deadlines. But, I have not forgotten Scout. I am currently working on two new books about Scout. Written by Jill and Jane, they are Level Two readers for Penguin. 

©Deborah Melmon

It's fun to work on books that are a series. Obvisously, because the character is already worked out, it is much easier and quicker to get started. And a second book gives you a chance to get better. I feel like we're just hitting our stride!


  1. This looks delightful, your dogs are fabulous, as a big dog fan! So cute, what a good job, I think you can tell you have some knowledge of your subject. Airedale terriers are lovely, I had an aunt with one when I was little, he was bigger than me! My black lab is very difficult to draw and paint, but he's the best :)

  2. Thanks Julie! Yes, some dogs are easier than others. I love terriers because they have such funny quirks and expressions. Their ears seem to be all over the place. But I too find it hard to draw my own dog :)

  3. Vos illustrations sont délicieuses... Je les aime beaucoup.
    Gros bisous

  4. Woohoo! Another wonderful doggie book by Deb! :o)

    You are so perfect for these types of books. Scout is so cute, I really love that last sketch of him.. melts my heart.

    Big congrats!!!! xo

  5. Lovely illustrations - adorable! Congrats!! I will look for this in my bookstore! :o)

  6. Love the way you illustrate dogs!
    You capture so much personality with your expressive line work. What a fun book!

  7. Congratulations, Deb! I know Scout will find his way into so many hearts. I adore the overhead shot of the doggies - what a group!

  8. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! Gina, that is a funny group of dogs. Some of them are my friends dogs, and some are ones that I see at the dog park every day. And, of course, my own Mack appears in the book too :) He has a pretty big part. That was really fun to illustrate.
