Friday, September 14, 2012

Family fun for Halloween

Lately I've really been getting into Pinterest. (It took me long enough, right?) Pinterest has been all over the place for some time now, but I could never wrap my head around it. Just recently someone explained it to me in language I could understand, and now I've finally discovered how it can be of value to me, aside from just being another pretty face on the social media scene.

What I've started doing is creating Boards about on objects, color palettes, themes, and projects. The possibilities are endless. You can constantly evolve your Boards, delete them, create new ones, depending on how your use of Pinterest-at-large evolves. How a person uses it is also a very individual thing. There is no template for how to use it, or specifically what to use it for. This used to confuse me  to no end, so I just avoided it altogether. But now, I feel like I'm on a good road with Pinterest!

I recently created a Halloween: To Do board, with lots of craft project ideas, fun food ideas, games, puzzles, books, and activities. There is something for everyone in there. Check it out! :D

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