Friday, August 17, 2012

Puzzle art process step-by-step

I'm so excited to share that have a new puzzle out at B&N. It's got a very cute theme: Witches' Wardrobe! It's large, 1000 pieces, and though it's too detailed/difficult for the very young ones, it would be a BIG, fun project for the whole family to partake in assembling together. :D

All week, on my blog,I've been posting about the creation of the the art for the puzzle. It's been fun sharing the process. I love to give you a window into that aspect. I hope you find it fun and interesting!

Check this link >>> Witches' Wardrobe >>> and scroll down, and read from the bottom post to the top of the page, to see all of the process posts is chronological order.

And to purchase a puzzle or to read more about it on the BN site, please click here >>> Witches' Wardrobe at B&N


  1. This is fantastic, Kathy! Congratulations!!!! I need to start stockpiling your puzzles for when the kids are big enough to do them with me. Or at least not eat the puzzle pieces... So cute! This would make a great giveaway at a Halloween party, too!

  2. I LOVE puzzles and it's so cool to see that you are doing art for them now. Congratulations!!! that's on my dream list actually. hehe bravo!
