Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cinderella App by Nosy Crow

The Cinderella App by Nosy Crow is one of finest, funnest, lushest things on our family iPad these days.
It's a really charming retelling of a classic, with a clear story and just enough interactive elements to make for fine replay.
I love Ed Bryan's illustrative style - the images glow in a way a fairy tale should, not garish but magical.
Enjoy the short making-of video featuring Ed below. Then pick it up in the app store - it's on sale for the jubilee this week (normally it's a few dollars more).


  1. Thanks for sharing Cinderella and being nice about the art - makes me feel like a proper illustrator!

    We're currently working on Little Red Riding Hood, so it'll be great to share some of that with you soon!

  2. I really do love your art for this, Ed. Can't wait to see Little Red!

  3. Love the 3 little pigs one too!
