Thursday, May 31, 2012

Book Review: You Are a Lion!

Our library had this lovely book from Taeeun Yoo on the 'new' shelf so I snatched it up. What a powerful cover! From the color and layout to the type - it caught my eye.
This is a very balanced book showing just a few yoga poses that small children can practice - both alone by following the images and with an adult's help (and company). There's something so empowering about the final spread, showing all the children as giants in mountain pose with their previous pose's animal nearby.

Taeeun's illustrations are a mesmerizing combination of linoleum cut and photoshop - I couldn't guess how she combines them - they really just read as beautifully hand rendered and process-driven.
There's a nice interview with Taeeun over on 7 Impossible Things and you can see all her books at her website. Check out her etsy shop for many gorgeous prints too.


  1. Hee hee.. I just love that cover! Great review Ggina. It looks like a lovely book. :o)
