Friday, November 11, 2011

A trip to the supermarket

Tonight, I spotted a Little Golden Books spin rack at the front of the diaper aisle. What a perfect place to have the display! Perfect for busy moms trying to shop with a toddler... but good luck to the mom who tries to get out of the store without buying one of the books or toys I spotted...
I love the T. Rex book. LGB are sure feeling quite contempo with this title!
I prefer the classics by and large— the sentimental value always wins out. But it's so nice to see the newer generation of Little Golden Books books as well!
Who can resist the saggy baggy elephant?
Completely adorable bunny!! Oooh, the art--- I love!!
 Good mix of the old...
and the new... of course Spongebob. Hello.
You are at the head of the class.
A personal favorite the Poky Little Puppy! 
I didn't know Dr. Seuss had any LGB titles. Well, he does!

Here comes the PLUSH!
(Hey moms- NOW try getting out of the store without a toy...)
Art and character licensing is alive and well here.
Just ask Miss Hello Kitty herself.
 ...Or, perhaps, a Chipmunk.They like to squeak.
Cute little snowpeople will make their way into stockings soon..
 A sweet little praying doggie. Very cute.
 Kitty making some new friends.
 Alvin in the mosh pit.
 What's a Beanie Babies display without a penguin??
I am happy to see that Rubber Duckies are still a staple...
And joined by their froggie friends.
Hope you enjoyed my shopping trip!
(Did you get out of the store without buying anything?)

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