Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New book out!

Hi there! I have a new book just released.

365 Animal Stories and Rhymes, published by Parragon, is a BIG book filled with tons of fun animal stories.

© copyright Alicia Padrón 2011

© copyright Alicia Padrón 2011

Having so many stories to illustrate, 365 in fact, this was a very big project that was broken down between me and several artists.

© copyright Alicia Padrón 2011

© copyright Alicia Padrón 2011

I had to illustrate around 60 short stories myself, so it was a lot of work. But I had fun drawing so many different animals in such varied scenes!

© copyright Alicia Padrón 2011

© copyright Alicia Padrón 2011

Parragon allowed me to share some images, so I posted a few so you can take a little peek at my art. :o)

© copyright Alicia Padrón 2011


  1. cute! Love the little mouse and the cheese. congrats!!!! Back to Alibris to order more of your books :)

  2. Aww thank you Macdebbie!!! xoxoxo

    That little mouse has tons of more goodies left to carry into his hiding place. :o)

  3. Awwww! This is so delightful! I remember when you were working around the clock on this. Your work always makes me smile so big. Congrats on another job well done. You rock, Ali cat!

  4. Thank you Rozzita! I know you remember :o)
    You rock too sweetie!!

  5. It looks lovely, well done, top stuff :)

  6. Congrats Ali! It's so nice to finally see some of these illustrations. You've really shined here, and what a feather in your cap to have so many new animals in your arsenal. Hooray for Ali!!!

  7. Thanks Ggina! It was fun to draw so many different animals I have to say. Plus animals I wouldn't of drawn on my own like the chameleon fro example. I'm glad I had to. :o)
