Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Daniel in the lions den

Hope everyone is doing well. I am battling the flu and continuously having to clean my monitor from all the coughing and sputtering. TMI? Sorry. =o)
Here is a piece I worked up today. I have been meaning to add some new bible themed illos to my portfolio for some time now. I don't know how to describe this style. It isn't "digital felt" because I didn't add stitching or anything. Any ideas on a name for this method?
I guess just digital.
Stay well everyone and stock up on your Vitamin C!!


  1. You worked this up with the flu? amazing. I would have tossed in the towel I think :) Love this. Yes, digital, but you could just keep everyone guessing lol.

  2. Loove it Rozzita!! You are my hero, it's not easy to work when one feels so bad. Hope you are feeling better today. :o)

    About the name.. I'm thinking, what about digital cut paper? It sort of reminds me of how cut paper illos look like you know? It's got a bit of texture and the important dimension elements that makes it look that way.

    So you could have all your flat and colored illos be Digital. Then your felt ones are Digital Felt and this ones are Digital Cut Paper. Just an idea. :o)


  3. Thanks, you guys. I know it seems kinds of silly to be working while sick but these meds have me so wired that I sit at the computer bug eyed and zoned out.
    So, drawing and online scrabble with netflix have been my life for the past week.

    Thanks also on the suggestions for the style name. =o) haha, Deb- just keep everyone guessing. I like that!

  4. ooh! fun! How do you do this when you are sick? Well done Rozzie! Hope you are kicking this soon! You are in my prayers!!! enough!
