Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tiny Little Fly

This big, beautiful book should not be missed. And how could you not pick up a book with such a bold cover? My first impression was, Wow! that's how you sell a book. The inside doesn't disappoint - there are big reveals and fun, simple text. Appealing to younger readers and tired parents alike.
The art, by Kevin Waldron is a combination of gouache, pencil, and digital. The medium marries the jungle setting wonderfully. Also, definitely check out this great post by The Illustrated Book Image Collective about the book design. I love seeing the big double-double spreads all laid out. You'll see what I mean.


  1. Oh I see what you mean Ggina.. This book looks fantastic! Thanks for posting about it :)

  2. Seriously Gina, thanks so much for posting this. Everything you said!!! What amazing, well-designed, well-thought-out work. I'll check this out! Thanks!!
