Monday, August 29, 2011

Richard Torrey

Richard Torrey's latest book is called "Because." It is part of a three book series, the other two titled "Almost" and "Why?" Even though Jack's mom tells him that "because" is not an answer, Jack strongly disagrees. This six-year-old thinks "because" is the perfect answer to any question.

I love the illustrations in this book because they are loose and yet there is a lot of attention to detail. I know it takes a lot of work to make a book look effortless in style and I think Torrey has achieved that beautifully. I also love the color pallette. Soft and fresh to enhance the whimsical drawings. And of course there is the cute "terrierish" (I know, probably not a word) white dog that appears in all three books. The dog, although in the background of many of the scenes, is what makes this book so satisfying at the end of the story. And I love this book just.....because.

You can see more of Richard Torrey's work on his webite here.


  1. I love this MacDebbie! I didn't know him. So glad you posted about this book.

    You know? His work reminds me a lot of yours!! Look, there is even a dog there! Hee :)

  2. Yes I know! the dog shows up in every scene. I think that's why I was so drawn to this book :)
