Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Awesome Illustrators The World Must See

© copyright Eric Barclay

There is so much talent out there.. You just have to take a few minutes online to browse blogs and realize this. So I decided I would post from time to time about great artists that deserve to be seen!

Today I chose Eric Barclay. His art is deliciously graphic and stylized with an old feel to it. Love how he uses color and takes his art to the simplest form. He also creates amazing characters out of everyday things.

© copyright Eric Barclay

Don't you just love that? How he can see something special out of an object that people just throw away in the recycled bin?

Eric's art rocks. But don't take my word for it, take a look at his website and blog. :o)


  1. Agreed! I adore Eric's work! Great post, Alicia! :)

  2. He is one of my favorites for sure!

  3. Excellent choice Ali. Eric's work is so imaginative and fresh.

  4. Great post! I have loved his work for some time.

  5. He's brilliant. I've had a creative crush on him for some time now!

  6. Couldn't agree with you all more! He's brilliant :)

  7. To read such kind words by artists I admire and respect is so uplifting. Thanks so much for the feature and the kind words!

  8. Love this post and love his work! That can is just so special.
