Monday, July 25, 2011

From My Sketchbook

Is it Monday already? I've been working every day and through the weekends for the last couple of weeks to finish my picture book for Kar Ben Publishing. It's a story about a classroom full of kids and a police dog that could use some obedience training. It's such a fun book for me right now as I'm also working hard on training my rescue dog "Mack." We have obedience class on Monday nights at our local park. He is a quick learner, so I'm really pleased with his progress. His biggest obstacle is that he is just so full of excitement and very vocal. He just needs to learn a little patience....just like his mommy, lol.


  1. Oh Macdeb, this is so cute! I love those sketches. And look at MAc, behaving so good smiling and looking at the camera. He is a charmer. :o)

  2. Yeah, he looks like a wind-up toy! :)
    And boy does he get wound up!!
