Thursday, June 30, 2011

What I'm Working On

For the longest time, I've been asking any illustrator-mom friends, "How do you do it?" I've had lot's of tweets, facebook messages, emails, gtalks, and real-life conversations about it. Now that I'm in the position of being a stay-at-home mother of two small children, with very rare outside help I guess I'm going to answer the question (sort of) for those coming up behind me who might ask:
It's not the how, it's the why. You do it because you want to.

So I've scratched a few minutes adding up to perhaps an hour in the past week to create this.

It's not much. I tried a new surface and paint, which I've decided I don't like. I will keep at it, because I want to, but perhaps in my more usual style. But more importantly, I created this:

A big, messy, art, work space. Again. It feels nice.


  1. Love that space! congrats on getting your creative juices going again!!!

  2. Love seeing your space Ggina!

    I admire you because it is not easy to find the time and feel creative when you have a newborn and a toddler!!! Good for you sweetie! Keep at it. Little by little does the trick. Anything that can be for you, is a good idea to invest time on. :o)
