Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am completely obsessed with this song. I've fallen in love with it. If you follow me on twitter you must know this already. I apologize and will do my best to start tweeting about something else. ;o)

What does this song has to do with illustrating or writing you might ask?

The answer is: nothing and everything.

It's a song, a lovely song, but from the moment I heard it I haven't been able to get it off my mind. It lead me to enter a state of mind I was unaware of and that made me very sensitive to things around me. In the last couple of days I had two wonderful ideas for children stories and they both came to me while listening to this song.

For one of them, I had to stop working on the book I was sketching, to write the idea down before it left me. Because we all know those sparks of an idea just fly away even faster than they appear.

We all can find insipration in different things. Try to find the little things that inspire you and surround yourselves by them. :o)

Btw, this song is from the movie "Once". A little low budget film from the Sundance Film Festival that stole my heart. If you haven't seen it, you should. You won't regret it.


  1. Love your post! I love how a song can just grab you and make you feel things you've never felt, go places you've never been and become a catalyst for your creativity. Good for you!!! I love that song too, by the way!

  2. Hi Christina, isn't it wonderful? Music is so powerful. Here is to inspiring things! Thanks for visiting :o)

  3. It is a beautiful song Ali - and such an endearing movie. I watched it twice through the first time, and I NEVER do that! I've always found music really inspiring, more for the mood than the lyrics - if that makes any sense? Great to hear this song again - thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh you saw it! Isn't it beautiful? It is one of my favorite movies now. I too watched it twice. It's so simple yet real. The characters and story are so alive and I love how they include the music but always as part of the story. Nothing stops, flows beautifully.

    I know it's an older movie, 2007 I believe? But here, well things never arrive here. SO I am always the last to know. lol. So glad I found it though. :o)
