Monday, May 30, 2011

HAPPY Memorial Day

Here is a little quick sharpie-drawing just for you, to celebrate Memorial Day. I like to remember the things I am happy and grateful for every day, in some way. There are always things to be grateful for. We really should not get bogged down by the minute details of tiny little irritating things that may occur in our daily lives, so that they blemish the big picture, which is really hugely positive and generally fabulous. Be like a duck. Let it all roll off. Be grateful!

Today is our special national holiday to honor our troops past, present and future and all that they do to keep us safe and fight for our freedom.... so please enjoy the Monkey love! To our troops!


  1. Loved watching this. Sooo cute Kath! :o)
    Hope you all had a great long weekend. Mine was a regular one.. boo. LOL

  2. Oh, I love watching you work Kathy. Thanks for sharing - those monkeys are A-dorable.
