Friday, April 1, 2011

Multi-tasking Friday

©2010 Deborah Melmon

Since I am on big deadline for work, I thought I would multi-task and post my Illustration Friday post here on the PBJunkies blog. The IF topic is "duet" and I couldn't help think about Sarah and Carly from Picnic at Camp Shalom. Ok, ok, I'm sure you're all hung over from our celebration last week of this book, but like I said, I'm on a deadline and saw the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and took it :)

In the story, Sarah and Carly have a misunderstanding and are not getting along. But, unfortunately, they are thrown together during music practice to sing a duet together. I had a lot of fun creating the tension between these two with their body language and expression.

Although I can't really show you what I'm working on right now for my deadline next week, it is a very fun project. I'm illustrating a picture book for Parragon UK. The book is actually coming out in two versions - one for broad distribution, and an exclusive version for Marks & Spencer, which is a large department store in the UK.

The covers of the book are different, but the interiors will be similar, if not the same. It is a combination of my art on photographic backgrounds. I am putting the backgrounds together with high-resoluation images from a stock photo company and super-imposing my ink and watercolor illustrations of the characters on the backgrounds using photoshop. It's actually quite fun working this way.

Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for stopping by this week!

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