Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What I'm working on this week

I am a happy camper because I just finished my book for Dover and have some down time. I'm working on something totally unrelated to children's books... making sock toys to decompress and "play". I've been collecting how-to books for years but it wasn't until my friend flew in for the weekend, that I finally sat down and made time to try. All I can say is...it's addictive! =o)


  1. Addictive is certainly an understatement. I can't look at my daycare kids without wondering how cute their socks would look as a squirrel! I'm so glad you shared this with me!

  2. Ack! Too cute! Want to share some of those book titles so we can join in on your addiction? :)

  3. Hey Dee..oh good, another addict in the making! The book I liked a lot was one called, "socks appeal" but there are several to choose from if you do a search on Amazon.

  4. they look great! the cow is uber cute!

  5. Those are super-cute Roz! I especially like the cow. Congratulations on finishing up the book - enjoy the break!!!
