Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tomie dePaola award- Heidi

© Copyright Alicia Padrón 2011

This is my submission for the Tomie dePaola award this year. The text chosen was the opening of Johanna Spyri’s Heidi!

Heidi was my absolute favorite when I was a little girl. I posted a bit more about this illustration on my blog today. If you'd like to read more you can by clicking here.

This is the text we had to illustrate:

"From the pleasant town of Maienfeld a footpath leads up through shady green pastures to the foot of the high peaks that gaze down solemnly and majestically on the valley below. Anyone who sets out in the path will soon catch the keen fragrance of low mountain herbs and grasses, for the footpath rises straight and steep to the Alps.
One bright, sunny June morning, a tall, sturdy-looking young woman, evidently a native of the mountains, was climbing this narrow path. She led by the hand a little girl, whose cheeks glowed as if there were a ruddy flame under deep-tanned skin. And what wonder? In spite of the hot June sun, the child was bundled up as if she were to confront the sharpest frost. She could not have been five years old, but it was impossible to tell anything about her natural figure, for she wore two or three dresses, one over the other, and a big red cotton scarf around her neck; her feet were lost in heavy hobnailed shoes, and the little girl looked quite shapeless as she made her hot and laborious way up the mountain."

Hope you all like it! :o)


  1. It's beautiful Ali! I have my fingers crossed for you!!!

  2. This is so pretty Ali! Still haven't heard who won...maybe it will be you! :O)

  3. Thank you Ggina!! xo

    I haven't heard anything either Phyllis. I wonder when they will post it? Ahh.. haha or maybe it will be youuu who wins! That would be fantastic! :o)

  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely, Ali.
    I have my fingers crossed for you.

  5. Thank you Rozzita! I just found out I didn't win, but I still had a lovely time illustrating this :o)

  6. This is so wonderful!!! I love the characters and how they relate to one another with so much warmth. The white flowers create a beautiful pattern. Just love it!

  7. Thanks so much Ann Marie! I wanted to add a little story besides what was in the text, that's why I added the goat interacting with Heidi. I always think kids love those small details. I'm glad you liked it, thank you for your sweet comment!
