Friday, January 7, 2011

The Months

After reading Kathy's post on Monday about picture books that feature seasons of the year, I searched my bookshelf to see if I had any that picture books that related to the theme. And guess what? I came across MY copy of Kathy Weller's book The Months, Fun with Friends All Year 'Round!

I know she mentioned her book in her post on Monday but I thought maybe we could toot her horn a little...afterall, she is one of our own! I scanned in several of the spreads that I just loved. Unfortunately my scanner is not a large format scanner, so these images are cropped, but you can see just how adorable her characters are. All the paintings are so beautiful, with a delicate touch and soft feel. So fun and playful!

January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow.

June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children's hands with posies.

Fresh October brings the pheasant,
Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

The illustrations are accompanied by Sara Coleridge's poem "The Months" which was first published in the 1834 collection "Pretty Lessons in Verse for Good Children." Don't you just
love that little pheasant!


  1. I love that you posted about Kathy's book Deb. Her style is so unique! There is really nothing else like it out there and that is so hard to accomplish.

    I love the first illo in particular, January. The color scheme is so beautiful and the two characters are adorable.

    Go Kathy!! :oD

  2. Thanks Ali....I just couldn't resist! :D

  3. I love the freshness and fun of Kathy's illustrations!!
