Friday, August 20, 2010

Back to School

I spent the last couple of weeks working on my house, getting my hardwood floors refinished, which required that I basically had to move all my furniture out of my house. In the process, I packed up my collection of children's books. Now that I'm getting them moved back in, I've come across some of my favorites that I have not looked at for a long time. "A Very Full Morning" is all about the first day of school, which I thought would be a fun post since so many kids have returned to school already.

I love the illustrations in this book because of the intense sense of perspective that Eva Montanari uses. That and the almost garish colors create enough tension in the story to make the return to school seem like a horror story.....but this book has a hilarous surprise ending which makes it incredibly charming.

Montanari is a fabulous artist who has such a consistent style and incredible technique. She has illustrated at least a dozen picture books of which you can see on her website here. Even her sketches are a work of art. Definitely worth taking a look. Ciao!

4 comments: said...

I had never heard of this book. Thank you for sharing. I love the perspective used in the illustrations!

Anonymous said...

I also have not heard of this book. Sounds like a fun book to read. The illustrations are great!

Patti said...

I love the colors! Definitely get the emotions in the illustrations. I'm scared already!

Kathy said...

Wow... this is gorgeous.. thanks for sharing it. I'll look for it at the library.